Myria delivers novel drug modalities combining the best of small molecules and biologics.

A large unmet medical need

Genetically Engineered Modular Molecule Scaffolds

Myria’s GEMMS

We recombine modular DNA elements derived from nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) and polyketide synthases (PKS) into functional new-to-nature molecules for pharmaceutical applications.
Highly parallel production, in vivo testing (millions), and structure-activity relationship (SAR) analysis enable iterative directed evolution cycles to optimize hits. This results in GEMMS (Genetically Engineered Modular Molecule Scaffolds).

Targets of interest

GEMMS are uniquely suited to address recalcitrant targets. We focus primarily on protein-protein interactions.

New chemical matter, built with biology.

Our advantages

  • Exclusive access to novel classes of therapeutic molecules

  • Proprietary knowledge and exclusive patent protection for GEMMS engineering

  • Unique platform technology to generate and test millions of novel molecules

  • Unparalleled ability to apply data-driven, targeted evolution to drug development

  • Drug modalities that can be produced biologically or with chemical synthesis according to needs

Myria expands the uncharted chemical space of natural products to design novel drug candidates.